Just One Glass of Milk A Day Improves Your Health – In the Long Run!

Even if you’re not a particular fan of milk, keep in mind the great health benefits of this beverage. Do you drink it enough?

Milk and milk products are recommended as a good source of calcium, especially for women who in later life are threaten by osteoporosis. While some people are true fans of milk and dairy products, some people do not consume the drink not the even minimum required amount of milk per day.

The many health benefits of an ordinary glass of milk are making it worth gold, especially since it prevents the development of many diseases.

The fight against obesity

In the struggle with the extra kilograms, many will avoid milk and milk products, which is a wrong move because it is the calcium which is abound in dairy products and is an important wheel in the process of weight loss.

The foods that contain a lot of calcium can prevent obesity, according to research, people who regularly consume milk and dairy products are less prone to weight gain. However, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of dairy products daily.

Average servings

– A cup of milk (250 ml)
– ¾ cup of yogurt (175 ml)
– 50 g of cheese

Do you eat at least two servings of milk or dairy products a day? It will protect your health, immunity and prevent weight gain.

Health Benefits

Milk prevents osteoporosis, keeps the heart, protects against cancer. According to studies, people who regularly consume milk and dairy products have about 22 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer than people who consume milk very rarely. In addition, milk lowers blood pressure and protects against heart disease and strengthens the bones.