6 Foods to Naturally Clean Your Liver!

We are constantly surrounded by environmental pollution, preservatives, additives and processed foods, so an occasional healthy boost will do us good.

The liver is one of the organs which the body uses to eliminate toxins. It is responsible for regulating the levels of chemicals in the blood and it also secretes the bile, which is a product that helps with breaking down fats and prepares them for absorption and digestion. Furthermore, all the blood which leaves the stomach goes through the liver, where it is broken down, processed, balanced and made into nutrients which can be used by the body. Hence, the liver is constantly active, detoxifies blood and produces bile to store iron, minerals and essential vitamins. If the function of the liver is not optimal, it affects the digestion process.

There are a number of liver detox meal plans and most of them are amazing. However, all you need to do is include these six foods into your diet and you’ll have a perfectly healthy liver.

1. Garlic
You can love it or hate it, but garlic is abundant in a healthy nutrients for the liver. Garlic has selenium, which is a mineral that stimulates the antioxidants and helps with the detoxification process. Furthermore, arginine, which is an amino acid, play a vital role in relaxing the blood vessels. This eases the liver blood pressure. Garlic is also rich in Vitamin C, and it is the main antioxidant of the body which fight cellular oxidation which causes cell damage.

2. Grapefruit
Grapefruits are rich in glutathione and Vitamin C. Glutathione participates in several body processes, including repair and tissue building, production of proteins and chemicals that are necessary and stimulating the immune system. One grapefruit has more than 70 mg of glutathione.

3. Vegetables
It has been proven that the liver is protected by leafy green vegetables. They neutralize pesticides, chemicals and metals from the environment and foods. It is believed that chicory, spinach and arugula increase the bile flow and help the body to eliminate waste products. Moreover, beets can naturally clean and purify the blood so that it stimulates the function of the liver and the nutrients production in the body. Other beneficial vegetables for the liver are Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli.

4. Avocados
Avocados are perfect for the liver. They are rich in Vitamins C and E and they also contain glutathione. These vitamins act as antioxidants and they protect the liver cells from damage and also neutralize free radicals. Vitamins K and E act as anti-inflammatory and they protect the liver from inflammation. Avocados have healthy fats which boost cholesterol levels.

5. Walnuts
Walnuts are rich in amino acid arginine, which assists the liver to detoxify ammonia. Walnuts are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione, and they promote liver detoxification. Moreover, they are abundant in antioxidants which neutralize unsaturated fats and free radicals and they prevent fat accumulation in the liver.

6. Turmeric
Turmeric’s active ingredient curcumin, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is believed that curcumin can protect the bile duct, thus improving bile flow and cleaning the liver. It prevents alcohol and toxins from converting into dangerous compound which can damage the liver. Sprinkle some turmeric on your food and you will improve it taste but you will also enjoy its health benefits.