12 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription

No matter how hard you try to strengthen your immune system and protect your family, sometimes you just can not avoid the infections.

In these cases the medicine suggests taking antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics are not harmless, because they destroy not only pathogenic bacteria, but also a million of ‘good’ bacteria, necessary for proper digestion.

However, there is an alternative -- natural antibiotics, which can help you treat the infection without any side-effect. It is up to you to choose the antibiotic that works best for you.

1. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic made of grapefruit seeds.

For quite some time people have noticed that something in the grapefruit can destroy bacteria. BioChem Research (California) conducted a number of research projects which confirmed that it is the grapefruit seed extract that affects bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

This magical substance is relatively cheap and can be used both orally and locally.

This extract is beneficial for people and animals, too. Until now the bacteria did not develop resistance to this natural antibiotic.

2. Garlic
Garlic provides a great number of benefits, but its anti-bacterial properties are the most popular. History taught us that garlic was used in the treatment of plague and other epidemic disease.

Its anti-bacterial properties have been studied for centuries. In the 19th century Louis Pasteur used confirmed that garlic kills bacteria in laboratory conditions. Modern experiments confirm that garlic is efficient in the treatment of different bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Garlic contains germanium and potassium, two minerals of great importance for the overall health, and it also contains sulfuric components, especially allicin, which are the main phytochemicals responsible for the strengthening of the immune system. Always use it raw, because garlic powder has no healing properties.

Wright State University compared the efficacy of garlic and penicillin. Unlike modern antibiotics, bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic.

3. Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver water is natural, safe, non-toxic antibiotic, effective in killing more than 650 pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Until 1934, when the penicillin was discovered, silver was the only remedy for a great number of diseases.

In 1983, the US Department of Health recognized colloidal silver as safe medicine, which can be bought without any prescription. However, silver fell into oblivion because of the rapid development of the industrial production of antibiotics.

Science proved the power of the ion-colloidal silver water as an antibiotic substance and effective remedy against every infection.

4. Echinacea
Echinacea originated in North America. Native Americans had always been using its leaves and roots to cure wounds of any kind.

Echinacea prevents infections and enhances the immunity in such a way that stimulates the body to produce lymphocytes.

Lymphocyte cell is the smallest cell of the connective tissue, with a defensive role that is manifested through the production of antibodies and the participation in the immune response. In this way echinacea can prevent a disease or significantly accelerate the recovery.

Echinacea strengthens the immune system in a natural way by preventing bacterial and especially viral infections. It is amazingly efficient in preventing cold, fever, ear infections and flu-like conditions.

There is evidence on its effectiveness against extremely dangerous bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. It soothes the respiratory, digestive, and urinary system, and also cleans the bacteria, soothes skin inflammations, purifies lymph and strengthens immunity. Just a few drops of its tincture can relieve the sore throat in the very beginning of the inflammation.

It can be used as a tincture or tea.

5. Propolis
Propolis is resinous substance, produced during the processing of the sap that bees collect from different plants. Bees use propolis to maintain the hygiene of the hive -- to protect it from the intruders, including infections.

Speaking of hives, they are known as the most sterile area in the nature -- and it is all thanks to the propolis!

Since ancient times people have used propolis as a natural antibiotic that protects against bacteria and strengthens the immune system. Its beneficial effects have been known since the time of Hippocrates, who used it to treat ulcers and wounds. Unlike conventional antibiotics, propolis also affects the viruses.

It contains at
least 19 active substances, all the vitamins, and 13 out of 14 minerals your body needs.

Studies have shown that by taking propolis in the flu and cold season you can reduce the risk of these diseases by 53%. Propolis is effective in the treatment of cough, sore throat, sinusitis, and tonsillitis.

Propolis based cream is an excellent remedy for fungal and bacterial skin infections.

6. Vitamin C
People have long known the properties of vitamin C and they still use it for preventive purposes.

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which plays a specific role in the stimulation of the defensive mechanism in the body. This vitamin is the king of prevention and people who use it enjoy its great benefits in the season of flu and colds.

Scientists conducted a number of studies based on the effect of vitamin C on bacteria and viruses, and the results confirmed that vitamin C is on the top when it comes to preventing infections.

Dr Fred Klenner did an interesting research by applying vitamin C intravenously. His research confirmed that vitamin C not only affects viruses and bacteria, but toxins as well (snake venom). In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina, Dr Klenner successfully cured 60 patients using vitamin C.

7. Oregano Oil
The oil made of oregano leaves contains a healing substance called carvacrol, which has strong antibacterial properties.

The research conducted in the Georgetown University showed that oregano oil can fight infections with the same efficacy as conventional antibiotics.

Studies have shown that oregano oil destroys up to 96% of the pneumococcus, 92% of staphyloccocus, 83% of streptococus, and 78% of the enterococcus in the body.

For now scientists confirmed that oregano oil is effective in the treatment of 25 different bacteria, including bacteria that has developed resistance to conventional antibiotics, and bacteria that cause bowel infections, urinary tract infections, typhoid fever, cholera, ulcers and skin infections.

Its strong antiviral activity protects against flu, colds, measles, and mumps. It reduces the inflammation and pain of stab wounds and animal bites, and neutralizes the poisonous bites of bees, spiders and venomous snakes.

8. Olive Leaf Extract
The miraculous substance produced with the processing of olive leaves is called Oleuropein. Olive leaf extract is known for its anti-microbial properties, which protect the olives against pathogens.

Scientists have repeatedly tested the anti-microbial properties of oleuropein, and the scientific studies on its effectiveness were published in many medical magazines.

This extract enables the harmful effect of free radicals, which is of great benefit to science, because free radicals are marked as the major cause for premature aging and many diseases.

Olive leaves are a powerful antioxidant. They have anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain. It is strongly recommended to have an olive leaf extract in your home pharmacy.

9. Astragalus
Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is a plant native to China, and it is less known throughout the world.

In Asia, people have used astragalus for over 2,000 years to strengthen the immune system and prevent flu and colds. This herb works by stimulating the production of interferon, which boosts the body’s ability to fight infections.

Astragalus has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, contains antioxidants, strengthens the immune system, reduces the blood pressure, and prevents diabetes.

10. Green Tea
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the active ingredients contained in green tea. Studies have shown that it is strongly effective against certain oral bacteria. Since it is known for its incredible ability to break fatty cells in the organism, this excellent natural antibiotic should be part of your everyday diet.

11. Mānuka Honey
If you start sorting the most delicious and efficient natural antibiotics, Mānuka honey would probably be on the top. Studies have shown that honey in general has antibacterial properties, but Mānuka honey is especially powerful, thanks to the natural ingredient called methylglyoxal. It affects wide range of bacteria, even those resistant to antibiotics.

Its local application destroys a number of pathogen bacteria, including Staphyloccocus aureus. Mānuka honey can be also applied orally to cure a number of bacterial infections and to strengthen the immune system.

12. Sage
Before synthetic antibiotics were discovered, sage was the most valuable natural antibiotic. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, and in the Middle Ages people believed that sage prolongs life. It contains essential oils, tannins, iron, calcium, and vitamin A. It is a powerful antiseptic, and prevents the development of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

These natural antibiotics are strong enough, and they can replace medications.

However, if your life is in danger, we recommend you not to treat your condition on your own. Consult a specialist to determine a treatment and monitor you during the therapy.

source: http://www.healthyfoodhouse.com